

About us

Mom Mining (MOM) is a Jujuy mining company focused on the development, exploration, enhancement and operation of mining projects. It arises in 2020 with the aim of starting up the Martín Bronce Mine.

MOM is part of the Villanueva Group, made up of the companies Villanueva e Hijos, Valerza, Briomodo, Imanta, Propay and Villanueva Servicios Mineros. We are proud to be a company made up of 100% Jujuy capital and workers.

Currently, it has three mining projects located in the province of Jujuy: Martín Bronce, La Auxiliadora and Lupe. Martín Bronce is a tabular deposit of copper minerals with an average thickness of 3 meters, located in sediment strata, a basal conglomerate and a fine sandstone that define the mineralization. La Auxiliadora and Lupe are two alluvial gold deposits, product of erosive processes of the primary deposit, and later dragging to the riverbeds.

We seek to broaden our horizons and expand in the mining world, which is why we have created a Joint Venture with the Serranías Plant located in Iquique.



MOM Mining is part of the


MOM Mining is part of the


Our projects

Currently, MOM has three active projects in the province of Jujuy.

The Martín Bronce deposit is located in the extreme NW of the Sierra de Santa Bárbara, in the department of the same name, province of Jujuy and is 140 km NE from its capital.

From the work and sampling carried out by Giuliani (1979) and Rojo Mateo (1986), a mineral resource of the following order can be assumed: 5 million tons with 3% Cu and 70 gr./t. of Ag. The inferred potential area would reach 600,000 m2 (Garkus, 2010), the specific figure will be determined after the exploratory campaign that will be carried out in the coming months.

The first extraction and export of Martín Bronce, carried out in February of this year, was 49 tons and its analysis, certified by Alex Stewart, gave results of Cu 6.7% and Ag 78 gr/tn.

Martin Bronce

The deposit of La Auxiliadora is located in the Quebrada del Ajedrez with an area of ​​1491 Ha, it is alluvial gold, product of erosive processes. As the gold is free, its high specific weight (19.3 tn/m3) is used to carry out a gravitational concentration with mobile plants. The inferred Au law 0.4 gr/m3.

The mine is located 340 km. from San Salvador de Jujuy and 5km from the town of Orosmayo, in the Rinconada department.

In the area there are archaeological remains, its maintenance, care and protection is part of our commitment to history.

File 253-M-2004 – Exploration Stage – Resolution No. 171/2021 DPM – File No. 0655-35/2021.

La Auxiliadora

These are two alluvial gold mines located in the district of Orosmayo, Department Rinconada of the Province of Jujuy, whose titles appear in Expte. No. 1015-M-1989 “Mine Lupe”, File. No. 2118-P-2015 “Mina Adriana” and Expte. No. 228-P-2004. Both have already gone through the search stage.

La Lupe y Adriana

Our projects

Currently, MOM has three active projects in the province of Jujuy.

Martin Bronce

The Martín Bronce deposit is located in the extreme NW of the Sierra de Santa Bárbara, in the department of the same name, province of Jujuy and is 140 km NE from its capital.

From the work and sampling carried out by Giuliani (1979) and Rojo Mateo (1986), a mineral resource of the following order can be assumed: 5 million tons with 3% Cu and 70 gr./t. of Ag. The inferred potential area would reach 600,000 m2 (Garkus, 2010), the specific figure will be determined after the exploratory campaign that will be carried out in the coming months.

The first extraction and export of Martín Bronce, carried out in February of this year, was 49 tons and its analysis, certified by Alex Stewart, gave results of Cu 6.7% and Ag 78 gr/tn.

La Auxiliadora

The deposit of La Auxiliadora is located in the Quebrada del Ajedrez with an area of ​​1491 Ha, it is alluvial gold, product of erosive processes. As the gold is free, its high specific weight (19.3 tn/m3) is used to carry out a gravitational concentration with mobile plants. The inferred Au law 0.4 gr/m3.

The mine is located 340 km. from San Salvador de Jujuy and 5km from the town of Orosmayo, in the Rinconada department. In the area there are archaeological remains, its maintenance, care and protection is part of our commitment to history.

File 253-M-2004

Exploration Stage

Resolution No. 171/2021 DPM

File No. 0655-35/2021.

These are two alluvial gold mines located in the district of Orosmayo, Department Rinconada of the Province of Jujuy, whose titles appear in Expte. No. 1015-M-1989 “Mine Lupe”, File. No. 2118-P-2015 “Mina Adriana” and Expte. No. 228-P-2004. Both have already gone through the search stage.


MOM Mining aims to develop its activity generating positive impacts in the regions in which it operates. As residents of Jujuy, our purpose is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the area through the development of infrastructure and the increase in direct and indirect employment.

At MOM, we actively work to identify the needs of the community and thus ensure that the contributions made by the company result in an effective benefit for the entire community.


MOM is a company aware of the importance of caring for the environment, with respect and care for our nature being our priority. For this reason, periodic environmental monitoring is implemented with the objective of ensuring the control of variables related to the environment, its protection and preservation.

Likewise, we fully comply with all regulations aimed at guaranteeing the protection, preservation, conservation, defense and improvement of the environment, promoting a policy of sustainable development and compatible with these purposes, which make possible an optimal quality of life for present and future generations. of Jujuy

Asimismo, cumplimos ampliamente con todas las normas tendientes a garantizar la protección, preservación, conservación, defensa y mejoramiento del ambiente, promoviendo una política de desarrollo sustentable y compatible con esos fines, que hagan posible una óptima calidad de vida para las generaciones presentes y futuras de jujeños.


MOM is a company aware of the importance of caring for the environment, with respect and care for our nature being our priority. For this reason, periodic environmental monitoring is implemented with the objective of ensuring the control of variables related to the environment, its protection and preservation.

Likewise, we fully comply with all regulations aimed at guaranteeing the protection, preservation, conservation, defense and improvement of the environment, promoting a policy of sustainable development and compatible with these purposes, which make possible an optimal quality of life for present and future generations. of Jujuy.

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Coronel Puch 638, San Salvador de Jujuy.

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Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00

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